Thoughts are scattered everywhere like the pretzels, starburst wrappers, and water bottles that lay strewn about your work space. You've spread out over this area because what is a tech week without a tech, so this is your home now. You have a spare sweater draped over the chair, comfortable fuzzy socks waiting for you in the spare chair, and pizza patiently waiting for you to take a break.
As you look around you realize you've forgotten the cds that you need to be ripping (are they free domain?), as you're looking for them that you realize you were in the middle of setting pre-show lights (it's such a simple show, can I make the pre-show colorful and crazy fun?).
It's tech week.
Breathe, make sure you are taking oxygen in deeply into your lungs, you have several days to get everything ready. This is just day one.
It's a roller coaster sometimes, but it's a ride that you love. There's no great money to be made in a local theatre, but there's an abundance of love and untapped potential. You're here because you love it, there's no where else you would rather be. The world melts away as you aim your lights, set your sounds, and sink your invisible fingers into the script to create subtle nuance behind your actor's words and actions.
The clock is winding up to seven hours spent at the theatre already, three of that spent watching rehearsal and planning what you're going to be doing with your lights once your actors are off the stage. Which means at least five to six hours tomorrow that you'll be at work.
It's tech week, hectic, crazy, and there is no where else you'd rather be.
Colie Gotcha